Happy 25th BBEdit

Update 4 April 2019: The title of John Gruber’s roundup post, BBEdit Returns to the Mac App Store, says it all. Includes links to @pschiller’s tweet and the App Store features on BBEdit (my fav: “BBEdit: A Writer’s Secret Weapon”).
Update 4 December 2018: 25th Anniversary BBEdit merch has landed!
Hey, how about a new T-shirt? We've got a 25th Anniversary design, a refresh of the classic, and more goodies for you on the brand new store: https://merch.barebones.com
BBEdit: Friend to Markdowners Everywhere
“Preview in BBEdit” command to preview your HTML, Markdown, and Textile code under construction. Automatically updates as the code is changed! You can also use a local preview server for preview of code generated by PHP, Perl, includes and so on; and select alternative page templates and CSS when previewing document fragments
with WebKit Inspector
BBEdit <3s ✍︎
It (still) doesn't suck.™
The professional’s choice for over twenty-five years (and counting).
In addition to its unmatched ability to process and operate on insanely large files smoothly, without missing a beat, BBEdit comes well-configured out of the box and is easy to customize to your liking. I also like Sublime Text and VS Code for general text and code editing, and am digging Slugline and Highland 2 for screenplays.
- Current version is BBEdit 12.6.3 (412068, 2019-04-04). BBEdit 12 is 64-bit ready and offers over a hundred feature additions, changes, and refinements. Head over to the Release Notes Archive for copious detail.↩